
杜芸珮 (中研院法律所研究助理)



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蔡沛倫:Mistaken Identity, CIA Extraordinary Rendition, and the European Court of Human Rights: The Case of Khaled El-Masri

Pei-Lun Tsai
Ph.D. student, School of Law,
University of Nottingham

On 13 December 2012, European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR or the Court) delivered its judgment in El-Masri v The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, where the Court found Macedonia responsible for torture, ill-treatment and secret rendition of a German national, and in violation of a number of provisions in the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).  The applicant, Mr El-Masri, was subjected to an extrajudicial transfer of from one jurisdiction to another for detention and interrogation outside the normal legal system, otherwise known as “extraordinary rendition”.  It was believed that his initial arrest was a result of mistaken identity: his name resembled that of a suspected member of Al Qaeda.  Although the ECtHR case was brought against Macedonia, the judgment is in fact the first international judicial decision rendered on extraordinary rendition practised by the Central Information Agency (CIA) of the United States (US).  While the case of Mr El Masri has been brought to the attention of various national, regional, and international mechanisms (see external links below) and is now still pending before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the current contribution would focus on the considerations and analyses of the ECtHR.

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政治大學法律學系四年級 魏歆庭




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李柏翰、李宜恩:國際迷你課程 ─ 人權、少數族群及宗教自由(一)



壹、 東吳人權學程與國際迷你課程

一、 東吳人權學程

為推廣人權概念、建立人權意識,在張佛泉人權研究中心(台灣第一個專業的人權研究中心)及許多義工不斷地努力催生下,東吳大學於2004年8月成立了人權學程。人權學程是國內目前唯一的人權專業教學單位,目的在於提供大專院校學生系統性的人權基礎教育,不僅著重人權理論的思辨外,亦訓練學生主動關心社會上的不正義以及弱勢團體的權益。事實上,人權學程邀請許多傑出的學者與非政府組織的專家參與教學,也和國內外許多NGOs合作密切,讓學生們除了得以在課堂裡學習,更有充足的機會,透過實習、倡議活動,實踐所學。 未來人權學程將持續加強師資陣容,整合課程,同時在張佛泉人權研究中心及人權學程的基礎上,於2008年9月也正式開辦了人權碩士班招收國內外學生,以期成為亞洲人權教學與研究的重鎮。人權學程的發展有五大目標,包括:(一)理論與實踐並重、(二)涵蓋人權的普遍性與特殊性、(三)人文與科技之整合、(四)本土化與國際化並重及(五)培養參與國際、國內人權組織的優秀人才。[1]

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林宜亭:Does Israel Have Right to Use Force Against Iran?

(編註:原文題目為Does Israel Have Right to Use Force Against Iran According to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Speech at the United Nations General Assembly? )

林宜亭Christine Ie-Ting Lin*

In the speech delivered by the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the United Nations General Assembly on 27 Sep 2012, Netanyahu made it clear that Iran’s development on nuclear weapon impose a threat to the security of Israel, and Israel has the right to use force against Iran as soon as Iran’s uranium enrichment programme reaches an 80% level of completion[1]. The issues addressed here are what are the conditions for a state to legally exercise the military action against other states under the current international legal framework, and does the current situation entitle Israel to invoke such right under international law?

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譚偉恩:BSE及其風險分類之探析 – 在公共衛生與貿易自由間進退維谷

美國農業部(Dept. of Agriculture)在今年4月24日確認其監測系統在該國加州中部發現一起非典型的(atypical)牛隻腦部海綿狀病變(Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, BSE)之病例,即俗稱的狂牛症(mad cow disease)。由於患病的牛隻是一頭用來提供乳製品的乳牛,而非待宰殺供消費者食用之肉牛,因此農業部在通報世界動物衛生組織(World Organization for Animal Health, OIE)的報告中表示,這起病例絕不會在食品供應鏈上產生任何有害於人體健康的風險。農業部下設的動物與植物衛生檢驗署(Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, APHIS)隨後開始對這起病例進行調查與追蹤,並進一步確認此病例與使用動物飼料所導致的BSE無關。OIE目前官方網站上所公佈的資訊也接受美國的說法;因此,這起4月份的最新病例並不會影響先前OIE對美國狂牛症風險等級的分類:被控制的BSE 風險(controlled BSE risk)。換句話說,依照目前的國際衛生與貿易制度來看,美國肉牛的生產和其在國際市場的供應不會因此病例而受到任何影響。

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蔡沛倫:Hamdan v United States

Pei-Lun Tsai
Ph.D. student, School of Law,
University of Nottingham

On 16 October 2012, the United States (US) Court of Appeals District of Columbia Circuit reversed the decision of the US Military Commission convicting Salim Ahmed Hamdan, Osama bin Ladan’s former personal driver and bodyguard, for material support for terrorism and ordered the conviction be vacated.  In addition, Hamdan was also the petitioner of a famous 2006 US Supreme Court case, Hamdan v Rumsfeld.  Different aspects of the law of war were involved in these two judgments, and this contribution attempts to briefly introduce the background and the 2006 Supreme Court case, identify the main issues in the 2012 Court of Appeals case, and outline the responses to the judgement so far.

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壹、     前言


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譚偉恩:Food Insecurity – Why is it the Common Threat to Powers & How do We Deal with It?

Wei-en Tan
Member of Slow Food, NYC

Reducing greenhouse gases (GHGs) and designing the Post-Kyoto Climate Regime tend to dominate discussions on climate change so far.[1] But to the booming world population, one emerging issue caused by climate change may be even more worth noting and demand no delay: food insecurity.

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林永樂:Those Islands Belong to Taiwan

(本文於 2012年10月18日刊登於 Foreign Policy 網站,請點選連結觀看原文

The longstanding territorial dispute over the Diaoyutai Islands has once again flared up.  The Japanese government’s recent unilateral move on Sept. 11, 2012 to “nationalize” three of the islands, known as “Senkaku” in Japanese, through a purported “purchase” has reignited tensions in East Asia. But while most attention has focused on the standoff between China and Japan, the Diaoyutai Islands actually form an inherent part of the territory of the Republic of China (Taiwan) based on the islands’ geographical location, geological structure, relevant historical evidence, and international law. Japan’s claim over the islands simply does not stand up to close scrutiny.

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